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Kristen, You are a glorious warrior Mama Bear and I know you will beat this because the body has an amazing ability to not only recover but to rebuild. Incidentally you look glowingly fantastic!

Much Love, Many Prayers and Huge Hugs xxxooo

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I have no words other than I love you.

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Oh sweetie I'm so so sorry to hear this. I'm praying for you and Michael and your sweet little boys. You are young and strong and you beat this shit once,. So I pray you can do it again. Take care dear.

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You are in my prayers! Your strength and courage to stand up for others while fighting personal battles is remarkable. No matter what happens in the coming days, weeks, months, years you have friends (you haven't even met, yet 😉) who support you and care about you. Continue allowing God to use you knowing it's always been you and God all along.

Never stop believing something wonderful is happening. Everyone and everything has a purpose. Keep smiling and remember you are a blessing! ❤️

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I’m praying for you Kristen. Raw tears, my friend. You have this fight. And we fight together these days. Biggest hug!!!

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You are a warrior and an inspiration. Sending prayers your way.

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You are an incredible mom and your kids will always know that you were one of the few who stood up for them.

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This was one of the most heartfelt, heartbreakingly honest and inspirational stories I’ve ever read. EVER.

Even though we’ve never met in person, I still feel I know you, your heart, your words speak to my soul in a way that indescribable.

As a mother, as a grandmother, as a fighter, and as a survivor, of so many things that have tried (unsuccessfully so far) to kill me over the years.

I can only say that I will stand beside you throughout your journey, the good, the bad and the ugly-in our fight for our children, for ALL CHILDREN and we won’t give up. Ever.

I’m sending you the most positive thoughts, and prayers for strength, guidance, healing, and peace!

Please know that I’m following along and cheering you on from the sidelines!!


You’re one incredibly fierce Mama and a force to be reckoned with. Keep up the good fight, Kristen! We are right here with you! Every step of the way. ♥️

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